Smart Solutions for
Air Quality Networks

Professional Air Quality Monitoring Devices.
Discover the versatile use of Palas® products
coupled with MyAtmosphere cloud.

Our Mission

New Opportunities for Immission Control with Palas®

Our health and well-being are directly linked to the air we breathe. As the leading producer of high-precision devices for the generation, measurement, and characterization of pollutant particles, our mission is to protect our health and our environment. We do so by offering you effective solutions to monitor immission in various fields.

WHO Regulations

Global Directives & Regulations for
Immission and Air Pollution Control

Our products obey government regulations, local directives, and recommendations of the World Health Organization to protect public health and to monitor environmental changes. We have a particular focus on the following topics:

Recommendations of the World Health Organization:


Our Scope of Applications

Processes that require large amounts of resources and energy lead to a high production of emissions (carbon dioxide and monoxide, or nitrogen oxides). The Palas® product range allows the accurate data and pollutant measurement for a wide range of fields:

Governmental Air Quality Networks

In order to protect public health, we support cities and communities in adhering to governmental regulations. We allow them to accurately measure and monitor pollutants to maintain sound air quality networks.

Environmental Organizations

Supporting research in environmental pollution and the respective organizations is one of our main priorities. Our products help tackle particulate pollution and measure fine dust and even ultra fine particles.

Airports & Seaports

Places that accommodate high volumes of traffic, particularly airplanes or large ships, produce equally high volumes of emission that affect surrounding areas. We allow you to measure pollution and collect crucial data.

Industrial Applications

Your ideal solution for ambient air applications: Monitor and measure fugitive emissions in mining, mineral dumps, cement plants, and other industrial operations, such as demolition and construction work.

Contact one of our Experts!


Palas® Devices for Measuring and Monitoring Fine Dust and Ultra Fine Particles

Palas® state-of-the-art measurement devices accurately measure airborne particles in various locations such as roadside locations, construction sites, and natural risk areas. They analyze and monitor environmental pollution, measure air quality and nanoparticles to protect public health, and adhere to regulatory standards.

The certified devices have proven themselves for regulatory measurements – Governments all over the world already rely on Palas® devices for various parameters like particulate matter, nanoparticles and their size distribution, as well as gasses.

Explore a display of our products’ benefits & applications:

We will provide you with the ideal options for your solution!

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Case Study

We have the ideal Smart City Technology to Monitor Environmental Pollution for you

Air Quality Measurements in the city of Ettlingen

09 January 2023

The pilot project in cooperation with the city of Ettlingen offers more transparency regarding the prevalent air quality to tackle the highly underestimated risk; air pollution. The AQ Guard Smart allows easy implementation and integration for municipalities and the precise and up-to-date measurement.

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